800 Billion Barrels of Oil? Awesome, but the techniques to recover oil from this shale need to be examined as it would really destroy much of this land and leave it looking like the moon. If the companies that get their hands on this acreage would rehabilitate the land after they destroy the top layers, then I would be more than willing to consider such a proposal as shale oil recovery.
We need to do something such as developing hydrogen technology as a major supplier of our countries fuel use. 30% to 55% of our total usage should be alternative fuels, which will double in cost, but eventually, it would enable the U.S. to have unlimited fuel that is already in production for the time that will certainly come, when oil is finished as a power source for the world....lakotahope
From Consumerenergyreport.com posting
Posted by JAguilar on Thursday, April 29, 2010
Oil locked in shales situated on Federal lands in the Rocky Mountains are not likely to be tapped any time soon.
“I don’t know when we’ll see commercial development on public lands,” Steve Black, counsel for Interior Secretary announced at the Unconventional Fuels Conference. “It’s an industry that is not ready for prime time.”

The Green River Formation in the Rockies reportedly holds the largest bed of shale oil in the world.
A 2005 study by the Rand Corporation estimated that sedimentary rock in the corner where Utah borders Colorado and Wyoming called the Green River Formation contains an untapped 800 billion barrels. That’s three times the size of Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves.
World-renowned geologist Walter Youngquist called the oil beneath the Green River Formation, “a national treasure.”
Nevertheless, in February 2009, Salazar scrapped land leases designed to enable oil developers to tap oil from 1.9 million acres of the range, saying “I am withdrawing that Jan. 14 solicitation because in my view it was a midnight decision, and it was flawed.”
Fuel developers allege that the Obama administration has blocked progress of drilling in the potentially kerogen-rich shale. They believe that the White House is reluctant to endorse drilling for oil generally, and that the Green River Formation shales in particular have been blacklisted.
Yesterday, Black denied that Salazar and President Obama are red-lighting all oil projects. “This administration supports responsible development of all energy resources in the right place and at the right time,” said Black.
“He has never said privately or publicly that his intention is to kill oil shale,” Black added. “We’re not trying to pick winners or losers.”
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